Friday, May 30, 2008

In need of a day off...

I haven't had to work since... well, its been a week now. I know, I know, it seems like I never work, but I do indeed. I had planned to take Tuesday, and today (Friday), and Saturday to have a matrixectomy on my right big toe. Matrixectomy is just a big medical term for a surgical procedure to remove the toenail and it nail bed. I had this done on my left big toe 3 or 4 years ago. It really sucked.

To make it even worse the bulb on my tv went out a week before the procedure. After calling Best Buy and JVC it was determined that a new bulb would take 2 weeks to get from the manufacturer to me, so I was forced to "rent" a tv from Best Buy since I knew I was going to be laid up for about a week with nothing else to do, but watch tv or movies and since I felt Best Buy was screwing me, I decided to screw them.

Anyway, the surgery was really painful. At first I was prescribed Lortab, which did nothing for the pain, I then was given Percocet, again nothing. In a last ditch effort my doctor gave me Mepergan Fortis, which is a combination of Demerol and Phenergan. Many of you may be familiar with Demerol as a pain killer and causes pretty bad nausea and Phenergan or promethazine as an anti-emetic to treat the nausea caused by the Demerol part. It was crazy. I don't know if it killed the pain or just made me to dumb to care. Hana had to remind me several times to close my mouth, as my lower jaw wanted to stay agape. By the way, the red capsule is a generic Mepergan Fortis.

So, since I knew this surgery was going to suck I took a week off work, then it turned out that we found, purchased and moved into our new home, (the DSL was set up today) so I put off the surgery, but kept the days off to move and settle in. I know that all who read this are excited for a full photo tour so I will hopefully get around to that in a couple of days. You can also feel free to stop by and help us put away all our crap...

Well...if you haven't clicked on my minicity link on the left please feel free to do so ...
Good Night Now


Steve Sokol said...

If you are really interested in building cities--maybe you should go back to school and get your Masters of Public Administration (MPA). Then you wouldn't have to stand up all day and take Demerol! But I'm afraid you will still give people advice that they won't take (and listen to people complain about their water bill).

Congratulations on your house--it looks like you got just what you wanted. I think you did very well. You forgot to show me your office and workspace though.

Kristin Sokol said...

This one time, I was wrestling with one of my brothers and the match spilled onto the kitchen floor which had a pretty gnarly seam in the linoleium. Can you see where this is going? So my big toe nail got caught on the seam and ripped completely and totally off.

The most painful thing that has ever happened to me. The best part about, the part I'm sure you understand considering your toenail past, is that the pain dragged on for months as the new nail grew in. Every time I bummped my toe I wanted to die.

You never know how much you need toenails until you don't have them.

Ouch! Sorry you have to go through it again.