Friday, May 16, 2008

Some Time...

Having been on vacation for the last few days had made me realize that I feel even more strongly about one aspect of my life even more than I ever had...
wait for it...
wait for it...
I hate my job. Plain and simple.
Just the thought of going back makes me really I mean it, I cried today as I thought about it...sad indeed.
I do not have a lot of time now to tell of the wonderful stories and wonderful experiences of SoCal, but boy are all of you (both of you anyway that have commented on my blog) in for some fun as we dive into some of the following thoughts:
1. How many diet cokes i can drink in a day at the wild animal park, when you get free refills in your souvineer cup...the answer will astound you...and yes, its over 10
2. How fun Disney Land is...even when you have to carry a 35 pound child around for 98% of the day
3. How not to dress your kids at Sea World... 5 year olds just should not wear bikinis anywhere, but at the beach, or swimming pool....check that they should never wear them... dress your children like respectible human beings...they deserve it
4. Internet withdrawl...
5. Carrying said 35 pound child freaking everywhere.
and 6. Holy crap, it smells like a skunk in here all of the sudden...really, it does it is really strong.

In closing I would like to quote a magnet that I saw at a little shop near the beach in Oceanside...I almost bought it, but it was $5, but with all the other crap we have bought, I just couldn't spend it... I will edit it for those of you with sensitive ears and eyes:

"Many people say that I have a bad attitude... well, I say f--- them."

Good Night Now


Kristin Sokol said...

I'm glad you finally posted. Being on vacation...not an excuse to ignore the blog. Find a way Bob, find a way.

Glad to hear vacationing is fun for you. Hope you can manage a way to enjoy the last couple of days of vacation with out thinking about work. I know however, that you will not, because you are a Sokol and you male Sokols all seem to suffer from the same "Ihateworkingitis" Steve has panic attacks too, just before a long weekend ends or vacation time comes to a close. I know Charlie is a lot the same. I think it must be genitic. You seem to have it the worst though, if that makes you feel better.

Anyway...glad you are having fun, even more glad you posted.

By the way, you should read "Dan's" blog linked from my blog. It's pretty great, you'd appreciate it.

Jacki said...

I agree work sucks!!!! At least you get paid the big bucks, not the pennies I get, but you earned it with all of those years of school:) Glad you got a good vacation in.

Bonnie said...

This is Kristin's friend. FYI, I'm a lurker and you're hilarious!