To me, my little sister will always be 12 years old. I guess its because that is how old she was when I left on my mission. I don't think that makes any sense, but I guess having spent those 2 years away just froze her at that age in my mind. My parents will always be in their early 40s, I guess for the same reason.
I remember that when I was younger my dad used to lie about his age. I was probably 8 to 12 years old when he would tell people he was 27. He would have actually been in his mid to late 30s I believe. I remember being a little excited about turning 27 because if he lied about being 27 there must be something great about it. I turned 27 in 2005. That is the year that I graduated from pharmacy school and Brady was born... pretty good year I guess.
Anyway, back to the point of this post. Last week, my little sister announced that she is officially engaged and will be getting married this summer. This was pretty shocking news to me. Not that I felt she would never get married, I always knew she would, she's really quite an amazing person. She has been dating her now-fiancee Tim for a few months and he seems to be a good guy who will treat her the way she deserves and all that, it is just hard to believe that my little baby sister, who will forever be 12 in my mind, is getting married...
I went through similar feelings when she got her drivers license, graduated high school, and graduated from college. It just seems impossible that,
1. She is old enough to be doing all these "grown-up things"
2. That I am old enough for her to be old enough to be doing all these "grown-up things."
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I have a very close, special relationship with my sister. An outsider may think that I don't like her, or even despise her cause I give her so much crap all the time. But I do it out of love, this sounds weird I know, but I give her a hard time because I love and care about her so much. If I didn't care, I would just treat her like anyone else and ignore her. You can ask Hana, the more I love a person the more of a jerk I seem to be to them. If I treat you really nice and respectful-like then you can bet that:
1. I don't like you
2. I am uncomfortable around you (see number 1)
3. I am patronizing you (see number 1)
4. I don't know you (see number 2).
I am really excited for Hay and Tim.
I guess that's all I have for now