Sunday, June 8, 2008



It really really angers me when stores put 12-packs of soda on sale for $4.50 or 3 packs for $13 dollars... That, my dear supermarket manager person, is not on sale. It also is lame when they actually do have 12-packs for $3 or less per pack, but then tell you that you are saving almost $2 a pack and show the regular price as $5.99 a 12-pack.

I was at Smith's Market Place (which was a far better place as Fred Meyer) and they had the nerve to have Pepsi 12-packs on sale for $4.69, let me repeat that $4.69!!! That is total BS (and not the good initials...BS...get it?)!!!!!! They also have 2-liter (or litre for those Canadian and British readers) bottles for $1.49. Argh!

No soda should ever be more than 99 cents for a 2-liter/litre and a 12 pack should never ever ever be over $3. In a perfect world a 2-liter/litre bottle should cost 79 cents and 12 packs would be 5 packs for $10... [that's $2 per 12-pack for those of you who are a bit slow at math (Hay)].

I need several servings or Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi or even Diet Mountain Dew (or at least the caffeine found therein) to survive a 12 hour day at ol' Alby's (that's slang for Albertson's). Addiction may not be the appropriate word for my need... defines addiction as: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, [...] to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. ...Well, maybe it is, either way.

As my sweet mom might say: "I don't have a problem with caffeine... I have a problem without it."

Good Night Now


Kristin Sokol said...

I share your frustration. Don't jack up the price then tell me that you put it "on sale" for $4 a pack. Not a sale. Just because you say something is so, doesn't mean it actually is.

Now that you have plenty of space you must join me in stock piling soda when it is actually on sale. A sale is when it is 4 for $10 or 5 for $12. When you see it at that price you shop several times for it and buy the limit (usually 4)and put it in your garage, or perhaps another convienient location.

Your neighbors may make fun of you when they see that much soda in your garage and say things like..."Well I guess you have your year's supply of Pepsi...Harty har har...." To which I respond. You'd like to think that would last us a year wouldn't you. I'm just trying to make it last the month.

This way you can wait out the storm of rip-off prices until it comes on sale again. Usually about every other month.

It would be nice if the stores would stagger their sales but they all put it on sale at the exact same time. THe nerve.

Until then...bottoms up.

Steve Sokol said...

For the record, I used to drink less soda than the average Sokol. Then I went to work at Ernst & Young, where drinks were only a quarter--and most of our clients gave us drinks for free. But it was't until I worked on the Circle K account that I really developed an addiction. Kristin used to try to get me to quit, but she has learned that I am more pleasant to deal with as long as I get my daily fix.

Kristin Sokol said...

This post is so old that it is getting moldy. Get a new post.

Anonymous said...

So I am just getting around to reading your blog...I resent this post...I can figure out your simple Coke equations without your help, thank you very much!