Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thank you...

I know, I know about freaking time... Not that I ever have anything groundbreaking or earth-shattering to say here, but I do feel like it is once again my time to let you all in on the goings on with me...

First a bit of catching up:
I am still gainfully employed at RxAmerica... I know, it is hard to believe. We've officially been sold to CVS/Caremark. No big changes yet...yet. I actually have been giving, yes giving flu shots to my fellow co-workers. That's right, I have been sticking needles into people's arms... Can you believe it???? It's like these poor people think they are simply getting a flu vaccination, but in actuality they are my own personal voodoo dolls. Cool huh...

Hana continues to be amazing... enough said

Brady continuously hums sections of the Star Wars Score... I swear he will have all 6 movies, the Clone Wars movie, and all the cartoon network shows memorized by the end of the year... Never would I have imagined he would get so into Star Wars... I am so proud.

Evan seems to grow more alert every day. He still cries a lot, and can barely keep his head from flopping back, but he's making progress. Lot's of work, but lots of fun too.

The Cats are getting big. They are shedding. They jump onto everything. Brady will not leave them alone. They are like magnets. For some reason he feels it is entirely ok to practice his Jedi moves on them... it is not ok.

Now, down to business...

Actually there is no business.

At work I see people (and hear people) talking on their cell phones in the rest room. Not just like hanging out in the restroom talking, but like talking while leaving a dump or while urinating. This is wrong for the following reasons:
1. I mean really...
2. If I was talking to someone and I hear any of the following noises I am hanging up intermediately: Toilet flushing, urine stream, plop plop, or toilet paper unraveling.
3. I am in the restroom to take care of business. I don't want to hear your conversation with whoever it is you are talking to while you take a crap.

The best thing about BYU losing to TCU a few weeks ago is that I no longer have to cheer for the Utes because beating an undefeated Utah would have given an undefeated BYU one good win this season. Now the Utes can simply go to Hell. I hope they lose all of their remaining games. (Sorry Ute fans, it's not you I hate...its... well, yes it is you I hate)

My cat Juno always watches me clean their litter box... its like she doesn't trust me or something.

Brady was a Jedi for Halloween. Amazingly, I was never a Jedi for Halloween. That makes me a little sad.

I bought the Lego Star Wars game for my Wii... I have had so much fun playing this game... It is amazing.

I got a laptop and hooked up a wireless home network... I thought I might actually blog more since I'd be able to do it anywhere in the house, or even the yard for that matter... nope.

I got a new cell phone. Its a Treo 700p. I still mostly use it to play solitaire. I broke my old Samsung Juke in half...whether this was on purpose or not is yet to be determined.



Ryan said...

Don't look now, but the U just beat TCU 13-10. Yes,it was ugly, and we probably didn't deserve it (how can anybody miss 2 chip-shot fields goals like that?) but it's still a win! I guess if BYU beats Utah on 11/22 you'd really ruin our season now (No BCS, no outright conference championship, no bragging rights) but somehow I just don't think that will happen!

Kristin Sokol said...

When I think about it...I, myself have no ties to BYU. I am not actually obligated to cheer for them, though I normally do. Underthe circumstances here I may switch teams and cheer for the Utes, mainly for the cause of notoriety for the mountain west confrence or whatever it is called these days.

Also, I talk on the phone while in the restroom. But not usually when in public, it is weird.

Bob said...

I guess the fact that your HUSBAND graduated from BYU and earns a living with said education is not considered a "TIE TO BYU" in your book????????
(angry sarcasm intended)

Oh, and remind me never to use the phone at your house again.....!!!!!!

Steve Sokol said...


I'm not condoning support of the U--but I think your argument is ironic. Didn't YOU get a degree from the U, which you now use to earn a living?

Bob said...

I do see your point. However, I never claimed to have no ties to the U. I actually have many ties to the U, maybe even more than many of the U fans and former football players in that I actually graduated and have a degree from the U. The education I earned at the U does enable me to do what I do, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate their football team and hope to see them lose every game.

Anonymous said...

I support your loyal devotion to the Y. Good for you for having your priorities in order! Go BYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will beat the U on Nov. 22!