
So I was just about ready to go to bed tonight when I decided to add up how many ounces of Diet Mountain Dew I drank today. For the rest of this post, I will refer to Diet Mountain Dew as DMD. I do not usually call DMD "DMD," but I am now for the sake of saving precious energy on keystrokes. Though now that I think about it, I probably will spend more keystrokes and energy explaining this than if I had just typed out "Diet Mountain Dew" several more times. So, here is my list:
8:30 am: I had a 44 ounce fountain DMD from the gas station near where I work.
11:30 am: I drank one 12 ounce can of DMD. I had finished off my first DMD and I had a Coke Zero after that, so I was back to the DMD at 11:30.
1:30 pm: I drank 1 can of DMD
6:00 pm: I drank a glass of milk with dinner, but had a can of DMD for dessert
8:30 pm: I played ward softball tonight from 7 pm until 8:23pm. Hana was nice enough to buy me a 52 ounce Diet Coke at the gas station near the softball field which I drank during the game (the Diet Coke, not the softball field). When I got home, I filled up my cup with 2 cans of DMD and drank them as well. It was hot outside. In case you were wondering we won 22 to 10.
It is now officially Wednesday, so I can tally my fluid ounces of DMD:
44+12+12+12+24=104. Not too bad eh?

For those of you keeping track at home, I used 262 keystrokes to right out my explanation of using DMD instead of just writing out Diet Mountain Dew. I am not sure if when you capitalize a letter it counts as one or 5 two keystrokes, but for the sake of this blog, I am only counting it as one. "Diet Mountain Dew" takes 17 key strokes (as I count them) without the quotation marks of course, and DMD takes only 3 (as I count them). This is a savings of 14 keystrokes. I used the abbreviation "DMD" 12 times after my explanation of why I was using "DMD" in place of DMD. This includes the one time used during the explanation and two times since adding up my total. I am not counting the times I placed quotation marks around the letters because in those instances, I was not abbreviating DMD as "DMD." Crap, that makes 14 times now I think. Why am I writing this at 1:00am? So, by my calculations, which are slightly impaired at this hour, I

saved 196 keystrokes by using the abbreviation. If you recall, I spent 262 keystrokes writing my explanation so I wasted 66 keystrokes by using the stupid abbreviation. What a freaking waste.
Hey look its Mario Lemieux, the greatest #66 of all time.
I actually had other stuff I was going to include in this post, but lucky for you I am going to stop now. I am really going to regret this tomorrow.
The following is an image of Mathman as seen on Square One TV. I don't belive that this is the real Mathman, but rather an artist's portrayal of Mathman... I hope that will suffice.
I always thought that I drank more DMD on workdays than on the weekend (20+12+12=44 [not including ice]) but lately on the weekends I start the day off with a 12oz, fill my 52oz mug (which takes roughly 36oz of DMD with an appropriate amount of ice), often followed by another filling or the 52oz (or sometimes 2 12oz cans), making a weekend day total of 12+36+36=84oz.
So, since I have 4 work days (44x4=176) and 3 weekend days (84x3=252) I only get 41% of my DMD intake at work. Very interesting.
So you might say that the DMD is making you both thirsty.
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