The baby is due in less than 2 weeks… yes, less than 2 weeks. If I were hand-writing this blog post, you would see how badly my hands are shaking right now. I am nearly in full panic mode… maybe about 85% of capacity.
Let's go through my list of things to get done before the baby is born:
- Trade in the X-terra (and my soul) for a minivan…check*
- Move easy-E into Brady's room…check
- Buy a new carseat…check
- Get baby clothes and stuff out of storage…check (Hana did most of this)
- Figure out the work situation…check
- Decide on a name for the baby… … … …D'oh!
What to name him… that is a tough one. Brady's name was decided on within an hour of the ultrasound when we found out we were having a boy. Evan took a little longer, but I'm pretty sure we knew at least 2 or 3 months before he arrived. This child, this poor nameless child…
Hana and I have been going back and forth and side to side and up and down on names for this baby. We've scoured the interweb, read dozens of baby name books (well, Hana has anyway). We've had it narrowed down to 2 names at least 10 times, but without fail, one of us decides to veto one or both names and we start all over. I am getting desperate…I am open to suggestions, but don't want anything stupid or lame, so go ahead and share your thoughts. Who knows, if we end up using your idea, you could maybe even win a prize**.
* I am actually quite surprised how much I like our minivan. I have been meaning to write more about it, but have not yet. For all you guys (and ladies) out there who hate the idea of a minivan let me tell you, I love it. I am not ashamed to say it, I love my minivan. Never thought you'd hear that come out of me did you!?!
**Prize limited to the change I have in my pocket or the value of the empty soda cans sitting on my desk at work if you were to take them to be recycled, whichever is more. I do drink a lot of soda and I am lazy about crushing the cans, so they tend to pile up. This could be a real money making opportunity for you.
I don't need a prize, but I'd still like to help if I can :O) Collin, Christopher, Cameron, Camden, Marshall, Douglas, Nicholas, and just for fun, Enrique :O)Good luck! Boys names are tough!
Christian. What?? That's not my name, I know what it sounds like, but serious, its a good name.
I also like Tyce or Tyson.
I also love Skyler.
I also love Harvey (although I may be the only one who likes that one).
Or Bobson. It would be unique.
I'll give it some more thought. Sorry for the silly ones, but with you I must be silly. I feel your pain. I was just glad someone suggested Sunny on our last go round, otherwise she might still be nameless.
Jantsen, I also like Janstsen, but I made it up. It's not a real name.
family tradition of Dodger names. The only truly exciting name on the roster that is a last name is Clayton Kershaw. Clay for short (as in the color of his (and Evans) cloths when they start playing together,. vote against Bronson which is too similar to Brady; and shortens to "Sonny"(at least for me). Paxton reminds me of my Eighth grad girlfriend Barbie Paxson...but shortens to "ton" which is a problem if he is large boned, chubby or stout. Reconsider Stan...short Eastern European, and he would eventually be "THE man". Also, dump Obama; but consider future President of the USA Romney. Thanks for finally asking. DArth Vader
So, for names. . .
You could combine some of Dad’s recommendations. Stan could be eastern European as in Stanislav (Czech) or Stanislaw (Polish). Others down this line could be Dom (Dmetri or Dimetri) or Vick (Viktor or Victor—which is also a Winner).
You could reach into your Scandinavian heritage with Lars or Sven (I’ve always liked my initials ‘SSS’). These could become Scandinavian last names as in Larson, Larsen, Svenson, or Svensen (or for that matter Bobson or Robertson).
There is some family precedent for using Uncle Steve’s name. . .
I like Vince, which I am told is also a character on Jersey Shore. Following this line of thought, you could go with Mario, like one of Utah’s most celebrated residents, Mario Capecchi (or how about Luigi).
If I’m not mistaken, this child will be 1/8 Hawaiian, so maybe he should have a Hawaiian name? Of maybe you should give Evan a Hawaiian name and let this kid be Evan.
As far as names that would fit your last-name preferences, I know you’ve considered Wilson in the past. We have a neighbor Wilson and that is a pretty cool name. And it can be shortened to Will, or Bill. Wilson is considered by most non-Americans to have been our greatest president (although most Americans don’t share the sentiment). You could also use Franklin, one of the most beloved Americans, who can also be called Frank.
There seems to be a trend towards using Northeastern streets and cities as names (Madison, Lexington, Brooklyn, and Boston). How about one of these more innovative Utah street and city options: State, Highland, Redwood, Van Winkle, Wasatch, or Bangerter. Cities could be Murray, Sandy, Logan, Payson, St. George, Centerville, or Monticello. . .
And how is it Luke, Han, and Yoda aren't on the list?
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