Monday, August 30, 2010

Off he goes...

So Brady started Kindergarten today...kinda crazy if you ask me.  Perhaps more crazy is that he is attending Kindergarten at the very same school where I attended Kindergarten.  Like sand through the hourglass...these are the days of our lives.
I am very glad that Hana was emotionally stable enough to take him to school this morning, because I was a wreck.    Anyway, the picture below is outside the school with his cousins, Olivia and Oceana, who I believe are in sixth and fourth grade.  It is fun for him to go to the same school they do...I never went to school with any cousins until I went to BYU. 
It was very strange to hold baby Bronson today and remember so vividly when Brady was so tiny and helpless and here he is starting school.  From all accounts he did really well and is even excited about taking the bus.   He is truly an amazing kid and I am a very proud dad.

And so it begins.


HSBahr said...

Yay for a new post! I can't believe he has started school. How exciting! What a cute boy! Man, I miss him.

Kristin Sokol said...

Kudos to Hana for being stable. I am very tender and on the edge emotional stability and all we are talking about is 2 day a week preschool. Congrats...I can't believe this is happening. I guess kids really do grow up fast.

Douglas said...

So it's the same school, but is it the same teachers? I believe that some of the same teachers are still there.

Mom said...

Dad and I are so happy that Brady likes Kindergarten. Yes, it is wonderful and amazing that he is going to Upland Terrace just like you and your brothers and sister did. Make the most of each day. Like you said, they don't stay little long enough. He is a wonderful, smart, and adorable boy. We are so proud of him and his parents. You and Hana prepared him well for this big step.

Dave said...

Glad you get to experience this. By now you have seen the "report" card, very different format for "grading" Glad to see that you are having a great time with this.