Today is June 11, 2010. You may be asking yourself, "What is the significance of this day?" or "why would Bob blog today of all days?" Let me remind you that in 2 months, we are scheduled to receive another "bundle of joy" into our little family. Yes, only 2 months until the new baby boy is due for delivery. The other day, Brady asked Hana how the baby gets out of her belly. He thought maybe through her mouth. Hana told him it is kind of like magic. Now, I have been by Hana's side during the birth of both Brady (C-section) and Evan (the old fashioned way) … never mind I am not going to go any further with that train of thought.
So with only two months to go I am kinda freaking out a little… just a general low-grade freaking out with occasional exacerbations.
In other happenings…
The Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. I am surprised I didn't blog at all during the playoffs. It was great to watch some games with my dad. I had Brady watch with us when they handed the Stanley Cup to the Blackhawk's captain Jonathan Toews (rhymes with haze and phase). He thought it was a cool trophy and asked if anybody ever ate out of the top bowl. From my understanding that has happened on many occations. One member of the Blackhawks, Duncan Keith, lost 7 teeth in a game against the San Jose Sharks during the playoffs. That is just cool.
The cherry tree in my backyard fell over when it snowed back on May 24th. It was crazy. Our backyard feels bigger now without the tree taking up all the space it did. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the tree, but part of me really likes that it is gone.
The World Cup starts today. I always get a big nostalgic during the World Cup. I was in
I am tired
Right now I have 8 empty soda cans and 1 unopened soda can on my desk right now. Here is the breakdown:
4 – Coke Zero (empty)
3 –
1 –
1 – Coke Zero (unopened)
I will stop wasting your time.